The coming update will introduce a new map system with a custom file format. Today we will take a first look at its abilities and the map editor for it.
A sad announcement has to be made today: the Tanks2.DE game servers will shut down for an indefinite amount of time. The game won't be playable anymore for now, but it won't be taken offline completely.
The next update is a big step for the game. Almost every feature gets rewritten from scratch, also including the outdated server backend. In this article we will take a deeper look at the benefits of this decision.
Finally another update… it took a while, but here it is: an important update, featuring server side physics, a new game mode, randomly generated maps, a vision system, light tanks, squads and so much more!
In Update 0.1.9 all battlefields will be generated randomly. This article explains how the current version of the generator works, and what the generated maps look like!
The bullet mechanics will change with a coming update. Today we will talk about the current and the new mechanics, and how the gameplay could be affected by such changes.